Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.
Look at the power of God’s sword. First, notice that it is alive. It is the way we discover the Way, the Truth and the Life Who makes us alive in Him. It is active. What does it actively do? It cuts us open.
It cuts our flesh, going down to the deepest part of our being. It divides the soul from the spirit, IOW it exposes the very essence of who we are, down to the deepest part of our nature. It exposes out thoughts and intentions. It breaks open all that is in our heart.
Wow. That’s scary, huh? I wonder what it finds in our hearts.
Steven Curtis Chapman had a song with the line, “I opened up the Bible and I read about me.”
Have you ever done that? You come to a point where you just have to smile as you pause and praise God for saving you, and for working so deeply in your life?
Or you come to a part where you begin weeping as you realize that you have just read about you. And you know that God is calling you to be more, to come back to His grace, to surrender your will to His.
You see, God through His Word doesn’t leave us where and how we are. He changes us through His Word.
And it’s personal. The Word of God opens our hearts so that we can see ourselves as we really are. And that’s scary. Until we realize that even though we sin, we are forgiven.
The Bible has been called a mirror in which we see ourselves. But it’s more than that. It doesn’t just show us our faces, it shows us our hearts.
And then it shows us God’s heart. His love is very personal. It cost Jesus everything to love you and me.
What does it cost us to live for Him? If we are Loving each other and those in our community, and if we are Sharing Hope with each other and with those around us, we need to live in the truth of God’s Word.
We need to share the hope, the Good News of the Bible with those who have no hope. Will you wield your sword of the Spirit to bring dying people into the new life that Jesus offers?
Look at the power of God’s sword. First, notice that it is alive. It is the way we discover the Way, the Truth and the Life Who makes us alive in Him. It is active. What does it actively do? It cuts us open.
It cuts our flesh, going down to the deepest part of our being. It divides the soul from the spirit, IOW it exposes the very essence of who we are, down to the deepest part of our nature. It exposes out thoughts and intentions. It breaks open all that is in our heart.
Wow. That’s scary, huh? I wonder what it finds in our hearts.
Steven Curtis Chapman had a song with the line, “I opened up the Bible and I read about me.”
Have you ever done that? You come to a point where you just have to smile as you pause and praise God for saving you, and for working so deeply in your life?
Or you come to a part where you begin weeping as you realize that you have just read about you. And you know that God is calling you to be more, to come back to His grace, to surrender your will to His.
You see, God through His Word doesn’t leave us where and how we are. He changes us through His Word.
And it’s personal. The Word of God opens our hearts so that we can see ourselves as we really are. And that’s scary. Until we realize that even though we sin, we are forgiven.
The Bible has been called a mirror in which we see ourselves. But it’s more than that. It doesn’t just show us our faces, it shows us our hearts.
And then it shows us God’s heart. His love is very personal. It cost Jesus everything to love you and me.
What does it cost us to live for Him? If we are Loving each other and those in our community, and if we are Sharing Hope with each other and with those around us, we need to live in the truth of God’s Word.
We need to share the hope, the Good News of the Bible with those who have no hope. Will you wield your sword of the Spirit to bring dying people into the new life that Jesus offers?