Isaiah 8:13-15 But the Lord of hosts, him you shall honor as holy. Let him be your fear, and let him be your dread. And he will become a sanctuary and a stone of offense and a rock of stumbling to both houses of Israel, a trap and a snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem. And many shall stumble on it. They shall fall and be broken; they shall be snared and taken.”
Are you looking for a feel-good merry Christmas peace to all kind of a message? You won't find it in these verses. And yet, that is who Jesus was. That is a picture of His life. He came as the voice of God. And He offended the status quo of religious leaders who were content in their own righteousness and self-pride. Instead of turning to Him for salvation, many turned against Him. "Crucify Him!" is the point of view they chose.
Be careful that you don't find Jesus offensive. When you choose to listen to your own voice above the voice of Jesus, beware! When you stumble and fall over Jesus, you WILL be broken! So keep your eyes open to see the real Jesus. And trust His voice, no matter how hard it seems. He is the light of the world. Let His light guide you in His way, so you don't stumble.
Are you looking for a feel-good merry Christmas peace to all kind of a message? You won't find it in these verses. And yet, that is who Jesus was. That is a picture of His life. He came as the voice of God. And He offended the status quo of religious leaders who were content in their own righteousness and self-pride. Instead of turning to Him for salvation, many turned against Him. "Crucify Him!" is the point of view they chose.
Be careful that you don't find Jesus offensive. When you choose to listen to your own voice above the voice of Jesus, beware! When you stumble and fall over Jesus, you WILL be broken! So keep your eyes open to see the real Jesus. And trust His voice, no matter how hard it seems. He is the light of the world. Let His light guide you in His way, so you don't stumble.