Romans 12:20-21 To the contrary, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.” Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
Have you ever wondered why a doing good to an enemy is like "heaping burning coals on his head"? Burning coals are not a way to punish someone. Paul just finished saying not to take revenge, but to let God judge others. We are not to curse our enemies, but to bless them. The result is burning coals.
In the Old Testament, Isaiah knew himself to be a sinful man. But an angel took a burning coal and touched it to Isaiah's lips. The angel said that the burning coal purified Isaiah and took away his sin.
The reason to bless our enemies, to heap burning coals on their heads, is to purify them, to give them the opportunity to be holy. As we bless them, they see Jesus in us. And just maybe they will turn to Christ, who will purify them and take away their sin.
So keep pouring on those hot coals! And turn your enemy into a brother or sister in Christ!
Have you ever wondered why a doing good to an enemy is like "heaping burning coals on his head"? Burning coals are not a way to punish someone. Paul just finished saying not to take revenge, but to let God judge others. We are not to curse our enemies, but to bless them. The result is burning coals.
In the Old Testament, Isaiah knew himself to be a sinful man. But an angel took a burning coal and touched it to Isaiah's lips. The angel said that the burning coal purified Isaiah and took away his sin.
The reason to bless our enemies, to heap burning coals on their heads, is to purify them, to give them the opportunity to be holy. As we bless them, they see Jesus in us. And just maybe they will turn to Christ, who will purify them and take away their sin.
So keep pouring on those hot coals! And turn your enemy into a brother or sister in Christ!