Psalm 95:6-8a Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker! For he is our God, and we are the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his hand. Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts…
Do you have to go to church to worship God? You can worship God anytime, anywhere. Even right now, in whatever you are doing. There is no need to close your eyes (especially if you are driving - but then what would you be doing reading this?) and it is not necessary to kneel. But there are times when you can. Worship can take many forms. The important thing is knowing that your heart is right before God. Give Him honor and reverence, knowing that He is the One who gives you life, now and forever.
How do you worship God?
Do you have to go to church to worship God? You can worship God anytime, anywhere. Even right now, in whatever you are doing. There is no need to close your eyes (especially if you are driving - but then what would you be doing reading this?) and it is not necessary to kneel. But there are times when you can. Worship can take many forms. The important thing is knowing that your heart is right before God. Give Him honor and reverence, knowing that He is the One who gives you life, now and forever.
How do you worship God?