Monday is my day off, so I worked on inside things when the grass already needs mowing. Our lawn will be wet for at least a week, and once again it will be more like haying than mowing when i get out for the first time.
So here I sit, watching the mist fly past the window from north to south, as the Lake has her effect on our lives once more. I think about the book I would like to write, I think about the church I am pastoring, I think about my family, and I think about summer coming.
When I consider all these things, I realize they have one thing in common. They are all in God's hands, under His control, and yet they are all given to me as gifts. It is my choice what I will do with each.
Will I finally write the book I have thought about for so long? If I do, will it be worth reading? The most frightening thing is to walk into the dollar store, see books lining the shelves and think, "One day I could walk in here and see my book on the shelf of the dollar store. And then one day I could walk in and they would be all gone, recycled because they didn't sell."
Will I be an effective pastor to my church? What does that even mean? Can I find ways to impact their lives? Will I inspire them through my words and my life to be transformers of our community?
Will I finish well as the father to my children and the grandfather to my grandchildren? What will my legacy be? A friend at church has said that the best thing they could write on his tombstone would be "His Children Walk With The Lord". I like that!
What will the summer bring? Our church is unlike most. We grow in the summer months, while other churches see their people leave on vacation. This is a very popular vacation destination.
We will probably take vacation time in the summer, too. Will I find ways to make quality time while I am away, and can I be efficient with my time doing yard work and church work to spend time with the people around me?
Will I be an effective minister at home, at church, with my family, and in my community? It is all in God's hands, and yet He has given it to me to do.
What are the pieces of your life? Will you entrust them to God, and then be faithful to accomplish all that He has for you? I pray today you will take the time to rest before God, to know His peace, and to give yourself and your life to Him. And I pray you have the courage to be the person He wants you to be as you live every part of your life.