Everything seems late this spring. It was a longer, colder and snowier winter than we have had for a while, and spring just doesn't seem to want to stay.
The robins have been here for a while, along with red-winged blackbirds and other migrants, and the hummingbirds, finches and orioles have been seen around the yard. But the bushes and trees are slow to join them.
New life. It takes a while. It's like sharing Christ. Paul said that one plants, another waters, and a third often brings in the harvest. Jesus said, "I sent you to reap that for which you did not labor. Others have labored, and you have entered into their labor.” (John 4:38)
He was talking about bringing people into God's kingdom. I have often been on the sowing side of things. Others have led people to the Lord that I have invested in. Sometimes I have reaped what others have planted and watered.
This week I had the joy of leading 2 people to Jesus. Have you experienced that joy? The only way you can, is to open your mouth and speak the name of Jesus. Tell the people in your world what He has done for you.
I pray that you will have joy as you share Jesus with someone today!