This new web site is an example. It feels freeing to be able to create, to change, to share in ways not possible with our old site. It is small on the global scale, but to me it is significant.
A better example is the birth of my granddaughter this week. New life makes us muse. What will that life become? Will she be a world-famous artist or musician? An athlete? The curer of cancer? Maybe she will be the president some day. Or perhaps she will simply love others in obscurity, never knowing fame or fortune.
Why are we born? What do our lives count for? What happens when we die? Mankind has wrestled with these questions since the beginning of history, and yet the answer has always been there.
God's Word tells us that He knew us before we were born. We are to live our lives for Him. Then when we die, we will live with Him forever.
Sounds so simple, doesn't it? The answer really is that simple, and yet choosing God will transform your life. You will never be the same.
That's what Good Friday and Easter are all about. Jesus died for you, to save you from sin (everything you have ever thought or done that is wrong). You can't save yourself. You can never get to God on your own. Romans 3:23 says, "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."
The same book goes on in chapter 6 verse 23 to say, "The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ his Son." We have earned death by the sin we have committed, but God wants to give us the free gift of life forever because of the sacrifice Jesus made.
Jesus himself said, "For God so loved the world (you and me) that he gave his One and Only Son (Jesus), that whoever believes in him will not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)
You can have this new life, a new beginning. Just admit that you have sinned, believe that Jesus died for you and rose again from the dead, and trust Him for the rest of your life! You will never be the same!
Want to learn more? Contact me. Let's talk.