Learning to rest in Christ is a daily thing. There is discipline involved as we take His yoke which is made for two, and we pull with Jesus in the way Jesus chooses, in the direction Jesus chooses and for the purpose Jesus chooses.
You see, He does all the hard work. We simply follow His leading and pull with Him. I am just beginning to realize all that Sabbath can mean in my life.
I want to encourage you to take this journey, too. Discover Sabbath in your own life. In the meantime, I have some resting to do...in Jesus. But I promise to give more insights on this at a later date.
Red Green used to say, "Remember, I'm pulling for you. We're all in this together." But I will say to you, "Remember, pull with Jesus. He's in this with you." And He came to give you rest, not physically, but rest for your soul.