This Shall Be A Sign Unto You
And I said, "DUH, of course, you ARE a sign unto me and everyone else who sees you!" It was probably a craft project by Captain Obvious.
We go through life reading signs just like that and thinking nothing of them. We read in our Bibles that we will all die, and it doesn't bother us. We read that our days our numbered and we just hope for a high number.
We just lost an hour that we will never gain back - at least until fall. Will we be here then? The truth is, we just don't know. A family in the area had the funeral for their 11-year-old boy yesterday. They can tell you about time.
How much time do you have left? Since you really can't answer that question, I have a better one. What are you doing with your time?
We are all builders. Ultimately there are only 2 things you can build. Either you build your kingdom or God's kingdom. Either you work for the life you want or you work for the life God desires for you.
Most people choose their own lives. They buy a bigger or better house, car, boat, or whatever. They say they are doing it for their families, their children. But they are really building their own kingdom.
Jesus promised a better kingdom. His promise is that if we live for Him, He will give us Abundant Life. He will live His life through us, and we will be fulfilled in Him.
When you die, what will last? Only your life in Jesus, and what you did as you followed Him will survive the grave. Not your will, your kingdom, built in your way, but God's will, His kingdom, built as He chooses, will last for eternity.
It is not the obvious, human-thinking way to live. It is God's way to live. And He leaves signs along the way to encourage us, and to remind us of His love for us. They are not always obvious, but they are there if we look for them. Sometimes it is in the subtle, small thing that we see God. But every once in a while we see a bold statement. It might even say:
This Shall Be A Sign To You.