Sadly, I soon discovered that the less-than-two-year old restaurant across from the post office was on fire. I know.the owner. He is a really friendly man from Turkey, and owning his own restaurant has been his dream for a long time. I hope he has good insurance.
Not only that, but this restaurant had the best gyros in the entire Chequamegan Bay area, and the best pizza in town. (My opinion of course.)
I wonder how the fire started. I don't know how extensive the damage is. I haven't heard if he will be able to re-open, and if so, when. But one thing I do know without even asking.
The owner didn't get up this morning and decide to have a fire.
He probably had many plans, but closing the doors was not one of them. Fires are unexpected, they are inconvenient, dangerous and sometimes even deadly. But fires come into all of our lives.
There is the unexpected fire when the doctor says, "It's cancer." There is the inconvenient fire of finding new work or a new place to live. There are the dangerous and sometimes deadly fires of auto accidents, and illnesses. And there are the fires of heartbreak, disappointment and discouragement.
Fires come when we least expect them. We don't plan to have them. But we can overcome them. We can re-build, re-open the doors and be re-newed.
But we can't do it ourselves. Just like the man I know with the restaurant needs good insurance, we need something more. Buildings can be re-built and furnishings can be re-purchased. But lives take someone who knows how to transform people, someone who has experience in raising the dead.
Only Jesus can transform your life. Only He can restore and renew you from the inside out. He was the Author of your faith when He went to the cross to die in your place. But He is the Finisher of your faith when you place your trust in Him to take your burnt-out life and make it brand new.
He is the only One who can transform your smoke damaged existence into the beautiful life He designed for you. Give your life to Him and see what He can do!